
Long term effects of sexual abuse found in most of the American Women

Most of the American women have faced sexual trauma during their life especially aged from 14-39. And it is severe in US. Most of the women are abused by their family members or their relatives or their friends or classmates.

A study by university of Pittsburgh found that 68% of the women of America have faced the sexual trauma. And 34.15% faced direct sexual abuse. The research was done by the Pittsburgh university over 178 women. So their results was so shameful and denotes the condition of US government.

This traumatic situation cause a long term effects on women’s brain. They have grown under a trauma. They feel the negative vibes for the men.The effects is commonly known as the white matter hyper intensities. That is the first step of having  dementia stroke and stress. That can cause a red signal for a women’s life.

If this problem can’t be stopped soon then its impact eill fall in the behaviour of the American women tremendously. So it should be overcome so early as the mental health of the women are in danger.

As they are attacking the women’s mental health so it’s consequences will fall into the new born baby very soon. And if it can not be stopped then soon American nation will remain in a great danger.

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