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Can You Drink Alcohol While Taking Lexapro? What You Need To Know

Striking the right balance of medication and sobriety while living with an alcohol use disorder can be tricky, especially when there are many possible factors to consider. In particular, some people who suffer from depression need to be on antidepressants to properly manage their symptoms without slipping back into suicidal thoughts or deep bouts of sadness.

Lexapro with alcohol may help them, but others need another antidepressant that isn’t addictive or doesn’t also produce unwanted side effects when paired with alcoholic beverages.

Is there any risk of drinking too much when using Lexapro for anxiety treatment?

You should be aware of the risks of drinking alcohol while taking Lexapro. Drinking too much can increase the risk of developing serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition. It can also worsen anxiety and depression symptoms. Lexapro with alcohol should be avoided, if possible, but it’s important to stay within the recommended limits if you drink.

In many cases, drinking shouldn’t cause problems for people taking SSRIs for mental health conditions; however, in certain cases, drinking might exacerbate your symptoms or present other problems. If you’re using Lexapro with alcohol, you must know what these are so that your treatment plan is as effective as possible.

How does Lexapro affect a person’s judgment when it comes to drinking?

Regarding drinking, Lexapro can affect a person’s judgment in two ways. First, the medication can make a person feel more depressed, leading to them making poor decisions when it comes to drinking. Second, Lexapro can cause drowsiness and impaired coordination, making it more difficult for a person to judge their level of intoxication.

If you are taking Lexapro, you must be aware of these potential risks and ensure you do not drink excessively. It is also important to remember that many other factors besides Lexapro use can impact your judgment and ability to monitor alcohol consumption. Alcoholism, depression, other medications, as well as various medical conditions can all affect how a person processes the effects of alcohol.

Is there anything I can do to prevent problems with mixing alcohol and medication like Lexapro?

You can do a few things to prevent problems when mixing alcohol and medication. First, always follow the instructions on your prescription label. Second, avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol or binge drinking. Third, make sure to eat before or with your drinks. Fourth, keep track of how much you’re drinking. And finally, know your limits and stick to them. It would be best if you did not drink more than what’s safe.

If you think it would be best to stop drinking, then it might be best to stop for the night. If not, try reducing your intake or switching to non-alcoholic beverages like water or soda. It is also possible to order seltzers mixed with different flavors, which are less likely to cause negative side effects in some people. Be sure to drink lots of fluids and rehydrate yourself if you go overboard. Finally, make good decisions about your drinking habits, so you don’t find yourself in this situation again.

Does treatment with antidepressants cause some people to develop unhealthy habits, like over-drinking?

Treatment with antidepressants is often associated with developing unhealthy habits, like over-drinking. While it is not clear if this is a cause or effect of the medication, it is important to be aware of the potential risks. If you are taking antidepressants and are drinking more than usual, it is important to talk to your doctor.

They can help you make changes to your treatment plan that may help reduce your risk of developing an unhealthy habit. Certain antidepressant medications may have a higher risk of contributing to unhealthy behaviors.

For example, many people who take SSRIs experience an increased appetite. So, it is unsurprising that some people would gain weight during treatment. The good news is that weight gain, in most cases, will go away after you stop taking the drug. It’s also possible that you’ll lose weight instead of gaining weight when using SSRIs like Lexapro with alcohol.

How long should I wait before drinking after I start taking an antidepressant-like Lexapro?

It’s essential to be informed about potential side effects if you’re going to drink alcohol while taking Lexapro. For one, alcohol can make the side effects of Lexapro worse. Additionally, drinking while taking Lexapro can increase the risk of developing serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition. So, how long should you wait before drinking after starting an antidepressant like Lexapro?

The recommendation is to avoid drinking for at least two weeks after starting treatment with Lexapro or other antidepressant medication. If you choose to drink, it’s important not to exceed your usual limit and consume no more than two drinks per day.

Should I stop drinking completely if I want to take medicine like Lexapro for depression or anxiety?

There’s no easy answer to this question. It depends on various factors, including the severity of your depression or anxiety, your reaction to the medicine, and how much alcohol you usually drink. Talk to your doctor about what’s right for you.

Generally, it’s probably best to avoid drinking alcohol while taking Lexapro or other similar medicines. But there are some exceptions to this rule: If you only drink very occasionally, if your symptoms are mild, or if your symptoms are under control with another type of treatment.

Is there any reason I shouldn’t be physically active while taking an antidepressant-like Lexapro?

Most people don’t experience any negative effects from alcohol while taking antidepressants. Some research suggests that moderate drinking may improve the effectiveness of some antidepressants. However, there are a few things to remember if you’re planning to drink while taking Lexapro.

First, alcohol can increase the sedative effects of Lexapro so that you may feel more tired than usual. Second, drinking can cause or worsen dehydration, leading to headaches and other unpleasant side effects. Third, heavy drinking (more than three drinks daily) can disrupt sleep patterns even when taken with an antidepressant-like Lexapro.


It is generally not recommended to drink alcohol while taking Lexapro. Alcohol can increase the side effects of Lexapro and make them more severe. If you choose to drink alcohol while taking Lexapro, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and side effects. Drink in moderation, and always speak with your doctor if you have any concerns.

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